About us :

KAILAASA LIMITED envisions to promote living the Hindu principles such as advaita (oneness), ahimsa (nonviolence), Aparigraha (non-possessiveness), gratitude-based, conflict-free Enlightened ecosystem, and the overall well-being of all through an integrated role of consciousness-based strategies, traditional financial markets, innovation in markets, families, and society. 

The Hindu Economic Principles

Hindu economic principle considers people as conscious beings, catering to their enlightenment while ensuring their success both in the inner world as well as the outer world.

“nonviolent money” where value is created purely based on businesses that enrich people (eliminating any business or economic practice that thrives on fear, greed and exploitation


Our wealth creation principle

Create as much wealth as you can, celebrate it, share it. Wealth consciousness is high creativity with high responsibility. Your decision to contribute to the world, your decision to be intelligent through your contribution, your decision to inspire, your ability to inspire people to support you back, is the whole triangle of wealth. 
~ Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam



Suite C, Level 7,
World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong